Skincare routines vary from person to person. However, one thing that every good skincare regimen needs is moisturizer. A good moisturizer does much more than just soften your skin. It can also ward off wrinkles, smooth rough skin, and make dull skin appear more vibrant and energized. While the benefits of using a facial moisturizer are clear, many people continue to go without it. So what exactly can happen to your face if you don’t use a moisturizer long-term?
1. Feeling of Tightness and Dryness
After just a few days, you’ll likely feel the effects of using no moisturizer. Your skin may feel tight and dry, and may not appear as plump as usual. Your skin is constantly losing water, and if you fail to replace it through the use of a moisturizer, your skin tone and texture may suffer. Apply a daily moisturizer like the Clarifying Moisturizer from Dr. Sylvia Skin Care. This non-comedogenic gel-crème hydrates and seals in moisture while promoting healing through the absorption of powerful antioxidants and asafetida extract.
2. More Pronounced Lines and Wrinkles
You already know that dehydration can take a toll on your skin. Did you also know that dehydrated skin can make your fine lines and wrinkles more noticeable? Even wrinkles that you never knew you had can appear more pronounced when your skin is dry. Take care of your aging skin by adding a quality daily moisturizer to your skincare routine. Advanced B5 Hydration by Dr. Sylvia Skin Care is an excellent option for smoothing everything from forehead lines to crow’s feet. The gel-serum contains multiple sources of vitamin B to banish dryness and create a velvety smooth skin texture.
3. Increasing Redness and Irritation
Without proper hydration, your skin - which acts as a barrier against environmental pollutants - becomes compromised. The result is redness and irritation that can make you look even older than you really are which in turn can affect your confidence
4. Worsening Acne Breakouts
Have you been experiencing more acne breakouts lately? It may be due to a lack of moisture. When you skip your daily moisturizer, you’re aggravating your skin which can result in more frequent breakouts. While most people associate acne with oiliness, dry skin can also cause acne to worsen. If you’re not using a moisturizer or your current moisturizer is not working, switch to a daily protection crème like the Botanical Hydration Gel from Dr. Sylvia Skin Care. Rich in botanical extracts and vitamins A, C, and E, the unique gel offers hydration while combating bacteria that contributes to acne.
5. Greater Vulnerability to Sun Damage
Unless you’re using a separate sunscreen for your face, you’re leaving your skin unprotected from harmful UV rays. UVA and UVB rays can start causing damage to your skin just minutes after stepping outside. Today, many moisturizers contain sunscreen which protects your skin from irreversible damage. But for some who wants additional layer of protection on top of their moisturizer, you can try Oil-Free Sun Protection SPF30 with broad spectrum that protects your skin from UVA and UVB rays without the greasiness. Without it, you may see an uptick in age spots and pigmentation. Everyone knows that moisturizers work to keep our skin soft, supple, and smooth. Unfortunately, many people fail to apply a daily moisturizer. If you have other skin concerns that you would like to address, please consult our aesthetic doctor, Dr. Ramirez, Medical Director of Cutis Medical Laser Clinics and creator of the Dr. Sylvia Skin Care line. Tags: Aging Skin