Cellulite affects more than 85 percent of women. Even skinny ladies can get it. Cellulite consists of free-floating fat cells that lie directly beneath the skin’s surface. As these fat cells push against the skin, it creates a dimpled ‘cottage cheese’ look. Many factors can contribute to the development of cellulite, including genetics, hormones, and an unhealthy lifestyle. While you can’t always prevent cellulite from plaguing your thighs and buttocks, you can reduce its appearance. Learn more why Slim Contour Cream by Dr. Sylvia Skin Care is designed exclusively for people who are bothered with cellulite.What Exactly Is Cellulite?Cellulite is a dimpled or “orange-peel” appearance of the skin caused by an imbalance of the connective tissue and fat in the body. It is mostly common in areas of fat deposits such as the hips, thighs, and buttocks. Cellulite can develop during teenage or even adult years. Over time, the connective tissues located within the second layer of skin (dermis) can weaken. These loosened tissues are vulnerable to cellulite as fat deposits can protrude out creating a dimpled effect in the skin. If your mother has it, there is also a high chance for you to have it as genetics is one of the major factor that causes cellulite. Moreover, hormones, diet and lifestyle, as well as age are also huge factors that cause your skin to have visible dimpled appearance.How Do I Get Rid of Cellulite?Although cellulite is harmless and is not a serious condition, the unsightly appearance in the body can affect a woman’s self-esteem. There are many products and treatments out there but only a few have clinical evidence to prove the effectiveness of reducing cellulite.
Try Slim Contour Cream
If you are looking to reduce cellulite in the comfort of your home, consider Slim Contour Cream created by our aesthetic doctor, Dr. Sylvia Ramirez. It is a anti-cellulite cream that is formulated by well-known plant extracts for slimming and improving skin texture. The toning cream for body and face helps to tighten facial contours, improve tissue firmness and reduce cellulite. The fatloss cream is formulated with Slim-Excess, a red seaweed designed to hinder fat production activity for reduced cellulite. In a clinical study, Slim-Excess was found to visibly reduce the appearance of cellulite on volunteers’ thighs in just four weeks. Slim Contour Cream is also formulated with Caffeine, a proven slimming ingredient that reduce cell size, as well as Ivy, a plant extract with anti-inflammatory and anti-cellulite benefits.It is also a great home maintenance treatment after a non-surgical fat reduction procedure or an acoustic shockwave therapy that is performed in Cutis Laser Clinics to reduce cellulite.
Exercise Regularly
Another way to lessen the dimpled look in your thighs or buttock is by having an active lifestyle and regular exercise.Exercise can also help tighten connective tissues and strengthen muscles which can reduce the appearance of cellulite and help tone the body. Try a variety of strength training exercises, such as squats, lunges, and push ups. If you’re new to working out, start slow and gradually work your way to longer and harder workouts.But for fit individuals who already exercises regularly yet still have cellulite, an acoustic shockwave therapy is a safe and effective body contouring and anti-celluliteoption. Acoustic shockwave therapy uses targeted vibrations to breakdown the build up below the skin resulting to a smoother skin with less cellulite.
Check Your Diet
If you’re struggling with cellulite, take a closer look at your diet. Steer clear of foods that are known to expand fat cells, such as foods high in saturated fats, refined sugar, fried food, alcohol, sodas and processed meats and cheeses. Instead, increase the number of cellulite-fighting foods in your diet, such as dark greens, flaxseed, and salmon. These foods have been found to boost collagen production.
Drink More Water
You’ll also want to focus on your water intake. Water is essential for reducing the appearance of cellulite and preventing the breakdown of connective tissues. Drinking adequate water also wards off dehydration which can contribute to a loss of skin elasticity. And in as much as we love to reduce the appearance of cellulite through this simple tips, make sure to remember to focus on feeling and looking good for your overall well-being. If you wish to purchase Slim Contour Cream, please click here. But if you are looking for a non-surgical treatment intervention such as acoustic shockwave to reduce cellulite, please contact Cutis Laser Clinics in Singapore to schedule a consultation with our aesthetic doctor, Dr. Sylvia Ramirez.